Bali’s Best Green Tea Latte: Soul Stealing Goodness

What’s the smoothest candy you know. Think about it for a second. Werther’s Originals of course. Those things are so slick that if you pop one in your mouth, and don’t grab it with your teeth but then breathe deeply really fast, you’ll suck that bad boy right into your choker. They are so slippery […]

Reviewed by Matty

August 24, 2010


What’s the smoothest candy you know. Think about it for a second.

Werther’s Originals of course.
Those things are so slick that if you pop one in your mouth, and don’t grab it with your teeth but then breathe deeply really fast, you’ll suck that bad boy right into your choker. They are so slippery smooth that if they weren’t so damned delicious I’d think I was sucking on one of those glass stones florists use in their Japanese feng shui bouquets.
And there’s no other candy like this, right? That’s why they call them Werther’s ORIGINALs, right?

Hold the phone, numbnuts.

Guess what I found.

A candy that steals the Werther’s Original essence: “Bali’s Best Tea Candy – Green Tea Latte.”

Maybe Werther should sue. It’s like if Werther was the native son and some dudes from Bali’s Best came by with a soul-stealing camera that sucked the very being of Werther’s into another form. But instead of using butter and cream and boiled sugar, Bali boiled some tea and a little milk. And instead of creating a light caramel brown drop of goodness, Bali’s created a dark puke green cordial.

Lest I start you, young reader, down the path thinking these are crap – let’s stop here and reset. Simply put, these are great. Totally unique. Fun to eat. I could eat a million of them. And every time I re-up a new one in my mouth, I like them more.

Right when you pop them in the mouth you get green tea right away. Who’s had a green tea latte? Maybe you. Certainly not me. But this has to be what that tastes like. They are creamy in the same way Werthers’ are; like hardened Half and Half. And I ask myself the same question I ask when eating a Werther’s – how exactly DO they make a creamy hard candy? Trippy.

Bali’s Best Tea Candy are sweet but not overly sweet. And the green tea taste is genuine. Like good green tea ice cream you’d get from an Asian food restaurant. (Japanese? Chinese? Both? Am I going to hell now?) They border on strong but never quite go over the top with the flavor. They are small too – same size as Werther’s basically – so I feel like I can eat a billion of them. I can’t quite suck them all the way down. I’m always biting into them so I can start a new one.

My only issue with these..besides that they aren’t gummi or sour…is the color. Kinda bleh. And the packaging… I’d rather untwist these like I do with Werther’s then have to rip each one open. Sorry. Call me lazy.

According to Bali’s Best, these are 100% natural, contain no trans fat, are infused with real tea extract and are a natural source of anti-oxidants. 4 pieces are only 56 calories, too. Awesome. Guess I’ll eat more.

You can buy these all over the web. Cheapest place I found them is Best Bulk Candy – 20.90 for 12 packages. You can also get just 6 packages for less of these at Also, I got these myself at Cost Plus, in person, brick and mortar style.

I’d give you the web site for Bali’s Best but these folks may not have one. I couldn’t find it…so they either have the worst SEO or I’m just dumb. Yeah I know, probably both.

UPDATE: Candy Blogger found the web site. It’s here: Peruse at will.


Zolli Candy


  1. Matty

    Nice find on the web site!
    Will update the post.
    And verrrry strange we reviewed the same candy. This wasn’t even sent to me…was it sent to you?

  2. cybele

    I found their website – the web address they put on their other candies (Mandy’s) doesn’t even work. So yeah, their web department needs some help.

    I didn’t like these much, but I’m not that big on tea flavored things. I love the texture though.

    Funny that we reviewed the same brand on the same day!

  3. laurie p.

    what i loved the most about this, aside from discovering what sounds like an INSANE new candy…is that when i read the first line…the thought that popped to my mind before I could even GET to the second line was, “werther’s originals.” love that great minds think alike, and fools seldom differ. not sure which camp we fall in, but i’d happily belong to either.

  4. Matty

    Well thanks Ali J. We’re here, for you.

  5. ali j

    i love reading your posts! hilarious. and now i want some green tea latte candy! and now i want to read all your old posts. good thing i am going on vacation soon…gonna read your posts and put together a list of candy to get… 🙂


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