Whoa. The Germans are awesome. The Båren Company made a coffee gummy candy that tastes just like coffee.

JUST LIKE IT. It’s freaking me out, man. What’s even stranger-ed, is that it’s not like coffee ice cream or cappuccino, it tastes like a simple, semi-strong cup of coffee with no cream or sugar.
NO cream. NO sugar. Think about that for a second.
Would US companies even conSIDer making a gummi candy that wasn’t super sweet?
Do I give mega-props to Båren Company for making these?
Hells to the yes.
Do I like these?
They’re just ok.

Sadly, my taste buds are worn to the point of needing sacharine-sweet-sugary-crystal-meth-like substances. This, is not that. It’s literally like a reasonable cup of morning black coffee. Something you’d get in a decent diner. The flavor is remarkable (!) in that it tastes JUST LIKE THAT. But it ain’t really tasty.
Also, the substance itself is too jelly-ish. Still a gummy, but not chewy and tough, like I like ’em. If it was super chewy, and the packaging was a tad more exciting, I’d give these puppies another star.
My friend and reader Alexander from Germany gave me these and a bunch of other Baren gummies, and the other gummies WERE chewy so we know Båren’s got it in em.
And don’t just take my word for it, Jonny reviewed their crazy Fruchtgummi Vom Feinstein just last month.
Anyhoo – you can buy at the link below and you should. They are must try.
I thought these were only available within Germany…
They are. My German buddy brought them to LA and we met up and made the (totally legal we swear) exchange.