Boffo Bar! Trader Joe’s Does the Tried & True

Boffo Bar! Not so far! Unless you live in Myanmar! Then you'll need more than car! You will need an Aerostar!

Reviewed by Matty

February 17, 2017


Let me start out with an apology to all of you who don’t have Trader Joe’s grocery stores in your area, because that’s a lot of you, and the bar I’m reviewing is theirs. It’s the Boffo Bar! It’s pretty darned good. And if you don’t live near a TJ’s, you’re shit out of luck I’m afraid unless you buy them from some kook on ebay. And hey – you know what? You might want to.

I love the size of them. Not as long as your average Snickers or Baby Ruth, but thicker. Feels like you get a tad less (and you do in the case of Snickers – about 1g less.) But it’s OK. It still feels like the right amount.

The bar is your basic candy bar – the everyman of candy bars: peanuts, nougat, caramel and milk chocolate. Great ingredients that taste great together, sure, and I like them just fine. But original? No. Sour? uh uh. Gummy? Um no. Weird? Not bloody likely. Thus: nothing unique. The fact these are the opposite of novel means they aint getting 5 stars.

And yet, let’s not mince words: these are good. First off the nougat is thick, and we love nougat. Big Hunks, for example, are almost all nougat and Jonny gave those a very honest and true 4.5 stars.

The Chocolate on the Boffo Bar! is solid too; not too light for milk chocolate, and thick. The peanuts are full ones, like a Snickers would have, and the caramel isn’t just a thin layer. It’s a relatively dense section inside that you can feel on your tongue and taste solidly.

Now you don’t want me to read the ingredients because it’s a laundry list of allergens (from peanuts, wheat to soy and back again) but let’s agree to work past that every now and then, k? If you want tried and true, and you’re at Trader Joe’s and don’t want their more delicate or exquisite specialized treats, then go forth and procure The Boffo Bar! It’s – dare I say – semi bofforific.

Zolli Candy


  1. koobie

    The Boffo bar has left the building. For the uninitiated, this was the candy bar Snickers could only dream of becoming. Thick, rich nougat, caramel, nuts & milk chocolate.
    I should have hoarded them when I saw the supply getting uneven.
    Boffo is dead. Long live Boffo.

    • Matty

      sad, sad day

  2. matty

    wait. WHAT?
    I’m calling TJ’s STAT

  3. Paul Lambert

    I was just told by one of my local TJ’s today (10OCT18) that they have been discontinued! I bought the last 2 boxes here. I was going to give them out for Halloween, but not now!
    I’m so sad. This was my favorite candy bar.

  4. Marci

    Omg tried the Boffo bar yesterday, noticed it when I was waiting inline to check out. It was ridiculously delicious, definitely recommend!!

  5. Harleen Quinzel

    This chocolate coated candy bar appears to be mouthwatering.I love when there are nougats inside,especially when cashew is there.It looks like the Mars chocolate.

    • Matty

      Yeah, it’s good. It is like Mars in a way. But this has nuts, and the nougat is less soft. Honestly, they’re a bit better than Mars.

  6. Barbara B

    Haven’t tried this but the Quasar that came out around the same time is really good. Maybe that’s your next review!

    • matty

      Is the Quasar from Trader Joe’s too? I think I just bought it to review… but didn’t look at the name. I just buy candy. I don’t even pay attention to names anymore!

      • Richard Yribia

        Better than snickers!


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