Brittle is one of the oldest confections around. It’s seemingly simple, sweet and salty, and most people like it who can eat peanuts. It’s good shit.
But let’s get real, it’s slightly boring. Are you going to choose a chunk of peanut brittle over some English Toffee? No, you’re not. Over Haribo Fruit Salad? YOU BETTER NOT. But what happens when you spice up brittle and take it to the next level?

We were sent these three varieties of brittle from Sweetsmith Candy Co. 2 things immediately caught my eye: the flavor varieties and the allergen information.
You might remember that Jonny Guru Jr. has some food allergies, and we don’t fuck around when it comes to living with them. It’s a big part of our life. He can’t eat tree nuts, but he can eat peanuts. And their allergen information is clear on the site: there’s no tree nut, egg, seed or gluten in any of it. He’s not allergic to all of those things, but it’s a big deal to find anything non hard candy or gummy that’s safe for him. So I don’t give a shit if these are mediocre or even kinda weak. I’d buy them.
As for cross contamination with the peanuts, here’s what Sweetsmith told me: “
We order them from a supplier that is HACCP certified, and their allergen control system requires separate lines for peanuts, to prevent allergen contamination.
This means that the peanuts are processed in the same facility as tree nuts, but in a different area, which definitely makes the risk almost zero, but of course always assess based on your own situation. In our facility, we do not have any tree nuts on site”
This is good.
Changing gears to the flavor experience: this brittle is friggin amazing. Granted, I got 3 pretty unconventional flavors, but that’s what makes me so cute & clever, wouldn’t you agree? Let’s look at the Strawberry shortcake:

Sweet mother of pearl! Smooth, creamy, and sightly reminiscent of Strawberry Quick, which is the HIGHEST form of strawberry flattery possible. Subtle though, and certainly posh. Absolutely scrum.
Next is my favorite, the Jalapeño flavor.

This one starts off super straight, like traditional peanut brittle. But look at it. It’s teeming with peanuts, and if this doesn’t look gloriously homemade to you, I don’t know what does. Anyhow, pretty soon, the delicious fiery jalapeño flavor and heat creeps up. It never gets gnarly, this is all about a pleasant eating experience. I absolutely loved this.
Finishing out with a bang, let’s check out the smokey bacon.

Look at the bacon chunks. Mesmerizing. The headline here is smoke. Damn, this is smoky! I really like smoky food, so it’s in my wheelhouse, but it’s possible sensitive eaters might find it overwhelming. The bacon adds a really nice accent, but isn’t too salty. I can go either way on salt, I don’t mind if a candy like this is a bit over the edge, but I know lots of people do. This is definitely subtle in that camp, but really balanced.
Here’s the deal: any one of these would be a super easy single session eat for me. There’s not really anything to complain about and that’s saying a lot for me. They’re not huge pieces, sort of wallet shaped. Not too much, not too little.
If tree nut, egg, seed, or gluten allergies affect your family, and you like sweets, you gotta give these a try. Hell, I don’t care if you have no food restrictions in your house, this is next level brittle, and it’s worth every bit of it’s 5.99 very reasonable price.
We need more high quality boutique candy companies like this in the world doing it the right way-not to mention advocates for those with food restrictions. Click the link below to dive into it.