Caramella Moo: grown up toffee

All the varieties of toffee you could ever want are

Reviewed by Jonny

January 14, 2019


Crakrok. There used to be a toffee maker named craKroc and, as the name suggests, the stuff was offensively good. Just perfect pairings of sweet, salty, crunchy and chewy flavors.

But as a company grows up, so does the marketing approach: that company is now called Caramella Moo, which, while potentially confusing, certainly isn’t going to alienate a buyer with a cute drug pun. Me? I like drug puns. But not everyone does, so now we have this.

The packaging is way better than before, but (I could be wrong about this but I don’t think so) the recipes are the same great ones we’re used to. It’s not wonderful “beginning of the year diet food”, but I never purported to be inspirational.

We received three flavors: classic almond toffee, “It was Mint to Be”, and “For the Love of Coconut”.

Classic almond:

This is my jam. I’m a huuuuuge English toffee fan, and this scratches that itch big time. It’s exactly as you’d expect: chocolate covered toffee with almond shards, crunchy and a bit salty. Proper.

Next is the mint.

This one, while being tasty, comes in third for me. It borders on the peppermint bark thing a bit-which is good, I love bark. But as a “toffee” treat, it’s just not quite as pronounced as the others.

For oddest in show, I present the coconut marshmallow.

This…is truly completely unique. Unlike the other two varieties, this one is super pliant, bendable almost. That’s due to the marshmallow layer.

One thing about me- I’m a marshmallow hater. I just don’t like them. What’s that you say? “What about ‘S’mores?!” Meh. They’re fine but let’s not kid each other-marshmallows are sticky, weird gooey things. And that’s about all they are for me.

Except here. Here, in this limited amount, it becomes different. It’s like a hidden layer of goodness-not enough to dominate the flavor, but enough to give us something with a very unique consistency, and a unique flavor. It makes the sum of its parts greater.


Caramella Moo has a lot more flavors as well, all available on their website. Give the link below a try, because trust me, …if you haven’t tried this, then you haven’t experienced all toffee has to offer. And while they may have changed the product name…it’s still VERRRRRY much crack-like, although I’ve never tried real crack. But if real crack is anything like pizza, then I think I nailed it.

Zolli Candy


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