Fizzy might mean something else over there, but regardless, these are nice
Fizzy might mean something else over there, but regardless, these are nice
In theory, these are among the best candies I’ve ever tried
A classic gets miniaturized
So many things to learn, so many preconceived notions to shatter. Lots of stuff going on here.
These snakes are yooooooooje
In concept, these chocolate flavored yogurt gummies sound just awful. In practice…they’re anything but.
sometimes all fruit jellies aren’t good fruit jellies.
It was a tragic day….bears went missing….mistakes were made. Then we ate them.
All pate de fruit is not created equal. Some is over the top, and some is just plain innovative.
We got fish, shrimp, and American gums today.
British gummies for your hippie friends that you can eat too!