Not a whole lotta setup needed for this one, folks: The Gurus give their kids gum cigarettes and encourage them to use.

Not a whole lotta setup needed for this one, folks: The Gurus give their kids gum cigarettes and encourage them to use.
No gimmicks, no ghetto ass sample sizes, no cast offs- if you want serious quality & serious variety of legit Japanese candy, you gotta check out.
Man oh man, was I obsessed with Charms Blow Pops as a kid. A whole bag of them? Sign me up.
Artificial sweeteners are in almost ALL gums these days. So what’s a progressive hippy parent to do?
The year was 1981. Leo Sayer was crushing it on mom’s AM radio. It was hot, mom was driving the carpool, and I was chewing Gator Gum. Like a BOSS.
I love minty gum, and frankly, Aspartame is delicious. But I have a 6 year old, and I’m not giving poison to him. Hence the mission to find yummy minty gum without Aspartame that’s NOT called Spry.
It’s gum with stuff in it!
When you want gum to taste like a dessert. Easy as pie.
Mexico, thou hast forsaken us-up till NOW.
This gum doesn’t exist anymore. Better read about it then.
It’s not a sandwich : it’s a Gumwich™, Bitch!
Is it gum or candy? More importantly, why the hell was I so obsessed with these as a kid?