Blackcurrant for president.

Blackcurrant for president.
Best licorice I’ve ever had? EVER? EV-ER?!
Gummies from Europe again prove their worth.
I think Exotic = Tropical. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Stay safe Maui. Stay well. We’re sending positive vibes and aloha your way.
I like ligaments to keep my leg attached, but not for dinner.
Fizzy makes me all fuzzy inside
Sour is what sour does
When a little heat and cold and time can turn a very good candy into a classic.
What makes them 4D is they have one more than 3.
If yogurt’s for breakfast, and these candies are made with yogurt, then candy is for breakfast. If A=B and B=C then… this function writes itself, people.
Sometimes, second impressions are more important