Low sugar candy may not be an oxymoron anymore.

Low sugar candy may not be an oxymoron anymore.
Aussie licorice but is it licorice if it isn’t “licorice”?
Sour watermelon is good when they’re these.
Best. Sour. Ever. Yes. We. Just. Wrote. That.
Think Starbursts, Mamba and Now and Laters are good? Hi-Chew is Generation Next.
Uptown brittle with a secret
You can’t f up this combo, right?
Kit Kats make me purr
Let me compound your interest in compound chocolate.
It’s time. Time for America and beyond to ditch gas station sour worms and finally level up
I have nothing clever to say here. Read the review.
Put another cricket on the barbie for me, matey