40% less sugar? They have to be horrid.

40% less sugar? They have to be horrid.
Haribo does jelly candy right, so these HAVE to be amazing
France won the 2018 World Cup. I kinda called it in this review. I wish it meant more money for me. It didn’t.
Soft, sour proposals of cola
The drink was super 80’s. And that makes it glorious.
The French may go on strike and stop making these so buy as soon as you can.
Zotz wunderkind.
Remember lemon drops? Not Lemonheads. Lemonheads are round, smooth and kinda smallish, from our friends at Ferrara. You pop a few at a time and the hard crunchy shell holds a softer center. They precipitated a hole 'head' revolution, like Appleheads and of course...
Not only an explosion in your mouth, but a multi-flavored one at that!
The caramel world was waiting for a hero: no, it’s not the seal salt $3 thingy at the boutique store. It’s a cheap, French classic.