It’s great when I think I’m gonna hate something, then I love it.

It’s great when I think I’m gonna hate something, then I love it.
I really don’t like Limoncello, but I absolutely adore these.
White chocolate is weak. Add the best lemon flavor ever though and suddenly it’s lovely.
You want flavor? You got it. You want fizz? Sure. You want….Ginseng?
FRUIT JELLIES! Pate De Fruit? Gele? We’ll figure that one out, but more importantly, prepare yourself for the best one I’ve ever tried.
The world of high end pate de fruit comes crashing into affordable American online candy stores. Is this a dream? If so, it’s a silky, cool, tart, delightful dream that I don’t want to be woken from. Ever.
Pate De Fruit! I call dibs!
Introducing your new favorite candy store.
When Italians make anything, I eat it. Here’s chocolate. Guess what I did when I got it.
Italians and their food. Let’s let them keep making it.
Grandma might steal them from you.
Love these things.