Part 2 of our look at Oyatsu Box

Part 2 of our look at Oyatsu Box
We got a box full of candy, which you might like to eat
Get past the package and the name and just put these things in your mouth.
everything you THINK you know about jelly beans is about to change.
Real sour with mediocre flavor is meh. These pair the sour with authentic deliciousness, and thus, we win.
No gimmicks, no ghetto ass sample sizes, no cast offs- if you want serious quality & serious variety of legit Japanese candy, you gotta check out.
If you love artificial strawberry flavor like I do, then you’re in for a treat.
Close your eyes, imagine a steaming hot pizza with rich, velvety tomato paste layered on top- now stop. Put that in a gummy, and here we are.