We’re going back to the well to review something for the second time-let’s see if this time it fares any better.

We’re going back to the well to review something for the second time-let’s see if this time it fares any better.
If there was an online candy store with permanent free shipping, would you buy from them? Every day, or just monthly?
Who doesn’t want a box of snacks delivered to them monthly?
“I taste loads of tamarind, and spice and salt.” Which country made the candy I’m eating? Mexico. Of course! Tamarind is to Mexican candy like mustard is to American hot dogs – slopped on there every time whether you want it or not. Vero Mangos though…kinda yums.
Mexico, thou hast forsaken us-up till NOW.
Every year I like to do a candy bash post. For 2010, may I forever pray you don’t go anywhere near the three candies in this post.
Mexican mint chocolate never tasted so imported
OOH, a plain chocolate bar! Wow!
It's not fair to blame the masses for the faults of a few. Like, you can't say every Iranian is a numbnut; just the dumdum leaders who use religion to hide behind a fascist regime stuck in the middle ages. Similarly, just because there seems to be an inordinate amount...
Dulche de Leche done…right? Or just done?
Salsa on candy? Really? Hey Skwinkles: I couldn’t not like you less.