What makes them 4D is they have one more than 3.

What makes them 4D is they have one more than 3.
If yogurt’s for breakfast, and these candies are made with yogurt, then candy is for breakfast. If A=B and B=C then… this function writes itself, people.
Sometimes, second impressions are more important
Aussie licorice but is it licorice if it isn’t “licorice”?
How many friggin varieties of “swedish” Fish are gonna review??!!
These are the kind of balls we should all be fond of.
A sour rainbow might SOUND terrible and sad, but according to science (we think) it’s not
Sour watermelon is good when they’re these.
Sometimes what you need isn’t what you think you have. Sometimes I’m sure it is as well, but in this instance, it’s complicated.
+1 gumption points for making a gummy out of food most people don’t even want to smell.
Squashies is a fun name.
Cucumber juice candy? yes, actually, yes!