
One of the best flavor combinations I've ever had

Reviewed by Jonny

June 17, 2015


ColaFrogs. The name is simple. When Stefan, chief “Sugar Daddy” of ColaFrogs asked if we could check them out, I of course said yes. Cola anything is right up my alley, and I pictured these as cola flavored gummy frogs. But they’re not.


Packaged in a very nice 4 ounce bag, it became clear that the frogs were in fact a hard candy. That didn’t dissuade me a bit.  What really intrigued me was the description on their website, which described them as bursting with cola and citrus flavors. If you’ve ever had a cola flavored candy spiked with citrus, you know this is the shit. I was excited.


My one piece of confusion was why the wrappers say “Froschli”. So I researched it. Got in the old station wagon, packed a lunch, and headed down to the public library. Deep into searching through all their microfiche, I cracked the case: it means “frog” in German, sort of. Apparently it’s not really a real word, but I’ll leave that argument to teachers & stuff.


Yep. That sure looks like a frog. But not as much as the sideways view:


Nicely done.  I’m really catching that frog look, so kudos. As soon as I ate one, I knew I had found something special. WOW. Granted, I’m a huge cola/citrus fan so I was probably gonna like these anyway, but even knowing that, these far exceeded my expectations. Absolutely genuine cola flavor burst from it, but the citrus accents are really what makes this work so well. It’s mouth watering. I also like the mouthfeel-it’s the perfect size for a hard candy.


I loved these. I’ll definitely be buying these, and you should too.  This is one of those perfect flavor combinations that needs to be experienced. And you can only get them at their online store, nowhere else. So click that link below and prepare to be blown away.



Zolli Candy


  1. Stefan

    I guess I can clarify the name of these treats:
    The name is Swiss-German (the type of Alemannic dialect we speak in Switzerland) and it means “Little Frog”.
    As in some other languages, we build the diminutive of a noun by adding a specific postfix to it. In most cases it’s a -li. And often, one vocal also changes from a normal one to one with ‘Umlaut’ (ä, ö, ü).
    Frog: Frosch
    Little Frog: Fröschli

    Btw, they can be sole anywhere here in Switzerland, and I’m eating one right now 🙂

    • Jonny

      well well well! This is great news, as I’ll be in Switzerland this summer! I’ll keep my eyes peeled for them.


      • Stefan

        Good to hear.
        You can find them in larger bags in both of the the 2 most common supermarket stores in Switzerland, Migros or Coop (they both have their own ‘version’, but besides the packaging they are very similar to almost identical).
        If you don’t find any, I’m sure any Kiosk, little shops available on most train stations selling magazines, cigarettes and sweets, or sweets store does sell them by the piece.

  2. Lucy Gedney

    I love these but can’t find in USA. Any idea where I can buy them as the link above doesn’t work? Thanks, Lucy

    • Jonny

      Sadly….as far as we can tell, they’re no longer made. 🙂

      • Jilly Beanz

        They are still made I just got a bag in my snack crate I get monthly. Just can’t find where to purchase them.

  3. mattycandy

    I want. Save me some.

    • Lucy Gedney

      Matty, were you ever able to buy the Froschli candy?


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