Do we really need the Cadbury Mr. Big Bar?

Canada chocolate bar isn't really setting the world on fire. And in this case getting set on fire would be a good thing.

Reviewed by Matty

March 7, 2016


When people get upset, they start online petitions and you know there’s a Canadian ex-pat in Wyoming who is’ing her displeasure for not being able to get the Mr. Big bar in the States.

Not since the downfall of the footlong, when Jared dragged the Subway brand into the dirt, have us ‘mericans had nourishment this size.


This Mr. Big bar is at least 12 inches and has lots of ingredients we like in various other chocolate bars, all mixed in. Yet, I’d take a Labatt’s or Molsen any day over Mr. Big.

For one, the chocolate is pedestrian and too sweet. Something we’re use to stateside, but that doesn’t make it right, and it’s not something I think of with Cadbury in general. I thought their chocolate was better than that. Also, I expected the bar to have the feel of a Baby Ruth – thick and chewy, with some heft to it. But it was light; the wafers inside weren’t like Twix cookies, more like thin wafer biscuits. The krispies make the bar lightly crunchy, which is fine, but nothing to jump the border for.

Color me a bit disappointed with Mr. Big. It’s long and it’s definitely a sweet treat, but I wouldn’t buy it over Snickers, Baby Ruth, or even a Crunch bar. Save your ducats for the good stuff.

Zolli Candy


  1. Nikki

    Looks and sounds exactly like the most popular chocolate bar I grew up with in South Africa. Also made by Cadbury (South Africa) but called a Lunch Bar. It also has a wafer biscuit, chewy caramel, peanuts and crisped rice.

  2. Apathy Miller

    I just had my 1st mr big candy bar 2day. As i was looking on the web to see where i can buy some, i came across your post. Im 40 years old born and raised american male. My favorite candy bar was the mars bar but they quit making them here (like everything i enjoy) about 10 years ago, but i am happy to say ive found my new favorite candy bar. Its different than anything else ive had here in the states. If youve not had one before i would definitely recommend it. Sorry to the OP, not everyone likes the same thing. Anyway just letting anyone know its not like any other candy bar in america so just enjoy it for what it is, a light airy, crispy, candy bar, not a chocolate bar.

  3. Caius Madison

    Look, this reviewer is a moron. This bar was one of the best candies that did have an official US release in 95′, that, surprise, was terribly marketed. These where a little of all the class “B” ingredients you’d fond in a candy bar, but done so damn right and it’s a big bar that doesn’t ruin dinner, making for a better snack than a Snickers. Not sure how you’d ever hate these ,as in ever. Oh, and Jared Vogel had minimal effect on Subway, the bastard should burn for what he is and did. No, Subway is dying because they open 5 stores in town of less than 15,000 people and that means they screw franchisees as well as open their store on top of that to siphon sales off of em. POS corporation and it deserves it’s fate.

    • Matty

      Wow that’s a lotta comment. I can’t vouch for much but it may very well be true this reviewer is a moron. Jury is still out on that.

  4. Some Canadian

    Gooey even (this inability to edit is horrible).

  5. Some Canadian

    Soft gewy chocolate bars are awful. Give me a light crispy bar any day of the week. Just because you happen to prefer gross chewy bars doesn’t mean they’re actually any good 🙂

    Mr. Big for life.

    • matty

      Good point. Also, I’m not very smart. Don’t froget that.

  6. Anon

    This seems to be an old thread but I’m happy to find someone with my same sentiment. I completely agree with the author. The Mr. Big chocolate bar is extremely disappointing. The word YUCK comes to mind. I saw it in Canada while traveling and was excited, thinking it was a close relative to the Cadbury picnic bar I miss from home in Australia. From the first bite, it was instant regret. The chocolate was way too sweet, even Hershey’s has better chocolate, which is saying a lot. Wish there were more peanuts to cut the sweetness and add some crunch . Glad I only bought one. I expected so much more from Cadbury quality I’ve always known. I guess if they’re trying to cut costs somewhere, just cut the whole product.

    • Matty

      This anonymous commenter sounds smart. VERY smart.

  7. Anonymous

    Sorry, but we fly up to Canada just to get a case or two of MrBig Bars. I have people here in Arizona try it and they ALL Love them and want more. Maybe on next trip i will buy MORE (we fly free)

    • matty

      Yes it appears I might be in a the minority with these bars. And I won’t hold that against anyone. But given these are from Cadbury and chock full of good ingredients, I expected a bit more verve.

      • Mitchell Leitman

        They are an old Neilson bar that Cadbury adopted when they acquired Neilson years ago (along with Jersey Milk, Crispy Crunch, Cerises, etc.)

    • Jonny

      Thanks Antonio that’s great to know!

    • Matty

      Cool. I love the interwebs!


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