I’ve seen these on Amazon every now and again for too much money, so until now, I’ve never tried them. But when your friend goes to Norway & Sweden and picks you up a bag? You win.

On the surface, just another sour gummy. And yeah, that’s what they are. The thing about these though, is that they contain the holy trinity of sour gummy aspirations:
- Flavor: really nice fruit flavors, most notably the orange
- Sour level: high. High enough to really feel it, but never crossing the line.
- Chew: tough, challenging, perfect
I could end the review there, but first let’s take a look at these cute Swedish tires:

These are small. In fact, the bag is small, which is nice, because you’re gonna eat them all. I mean, obviously we’d all prefer more of anything, but…this presentation is nice. A small bag with small pieces of perfectly delicious sours inside.
The flavors are lemon, apple, cherry and orange-I think. All quite good, but like I said before, the orange is the star here: very accurate. It definitely reminded me of a fresh orange.
Some might complain that there’s a small amount of toothstick® with these, but that goes with the territory with harder to chew gummies. It’s minimal and doesn’t bother me at all. In fact I sorta like it, but I’m odd.
Best part of all this? The world has once again shrunk, and now you can get these on Amazon for an extremely reasonable price for 3 bags WITH free shipping. I know that we link all candies we review if possible, but I really want to impress upon you that you really should buy these. These are a 5 star sour gummy experience, I promise you won’t be disappointed.
definitely a fav!