Enchilokas: More Mango, B*&^hes

Nope. Sorry. Won't apologize for yet another mango candy review.

Reviewed by Matty

September 11, 2018

Visit DylansCandyBar.com

Nope. Sorry. Won’t apologize for yet another mango candy review.

Look, I went to Lolli and Pops (a candy shop I like with an aesthetic I do not), saw a load of Mexican mango candy and here we are: me. reviewing. you. reading.

So let’s just treat each other like the immature adults we are and discuss these Enchilokas Tamarind & Chili Covered Gummies. Yes?

Without even opening them I can tell they’re going to be like the Vero Mango lollipops I love. That’s why I bought them. Tamarind-(kinda like cola…kinda)-meets-spicy is just plain good. Add in the gummy texture, lose the hard candy and there’s a chance I’ll be overly smitten.

Not in love with the package. I couldn’t quite tell what was going on in there, but it looked like there was a pretty reasonably sized wet morsel. Yes, wet. I’ll take wet on my fries but generally I’m not super fond of wet on my sweets.

As you can see: wet. And the problem with ‘wet’ is that you have to open the package, and take the candy out with your hands. Now your hands are wet. Candy tends to be something we eat on the go, not something we think of grabbing a napkin for. I reviewed the Enchilokas at home. If I was on the road, I would have been a tad angry.

Also, the ‘morsel’ is really more of golf ball size. Pretty big for a gummy. And with the sour of Tamarind and the heat of the chili, these are best when you can eat it in two bites. Again, this makes ‘wet’ not so ideal.

Still, I suggest you choose to grab a napkin (or serviette if you live in the UK) and take a bite. When you do, it looks like this:

Which my kid says looked like “butt” – but it’s actually darned good. Again, the tamarind is k i n d a like a sour cola. I mean, it’s very hard to discern the flavor, but it’s very unique, and very good. Then of course you have the mango – not as spot on as other mango flavored candy I’ve recently reviewed, but still solid and ‘natural’ tasting. Plus, you have the heat of the chili. The gummy itself isn’t a hard thick chew like an aged Haribo, rather more like a gum drop’s consistency. But that gum drop wrapped in a chewy outer coating of tamarind and chili? Yummsvillanova. Mind you, these aren’t terribly easy to eat, and at the size of a golf ball, you ain’t jamming 5 in your mouth at one sitting.

Needless to say, these Enchilokas are complicated.

Yet, very tasty. If they just weren’t wet (dammit!) they’d get 4+ stars from me. Try em, I think you’ll like em.

Zolli Candy

1 Comment

  1. Maria

    These are so good you can’t just eat one.


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