Extra Mint Chip gum

Extra Dessert Delights: Short Lasting Cakey Goodness?

When you want gum to taste like a dessert. Easy as pie.

Reviewed by Matty

October 17, 2010

Visit DylansCandyBar.com

This review is very old. So old, the kids in it… are months away from college. But. It’s still entertaining. And you can get some of the latest Dessert Delights gum at the link below the video.

I’ve been asked countless times to review gum. Ahem. Alex. Ahem. And finally, I’m listening. My kids got their mom to buy a mint chocolate chip gum from Extra a few times and it smelled like… well, exactly that, and I never tried it. It just didn’t sound like my cup of tea. But the darned kids liked it so much, they’d finish it before I could even try and jump in myself.

So I decided I’d wait full tilt, buy some, and get it on video. And here we are. Interestingly, I couldn’t find the mint choco. But I did find Strawberry Shortcake and Key Lime Pie – 2 others in their Extra Dessert Delights line of flavors. I think there’s only three…

And here you go:

Zolli Candy


  1. Old Time Candy

    Those kids get a 12 on the scale of 10.. need more not less.

  2. Mark D. (sugarpressure)

    Kids reviewing candy is the best. I’m not sure they know your review scale if they want to give it a 12 out of 10! I need to pick this gum up and try it now. Great Review.

  3. matty

    Nice of you two to like the video. If I dropped the kiddies out, it couldn’t be more boring IMHO. I will do better next time.

  4. Old Time Candy

    “No babies in video”.. Should be your new tag line.. 🙂 Another great review, keep it up..

  5. Martha

    I’m going to take your word on the Strawberry Shortcake flavor. If I find the Key Lime Pie gum, however, I’ll give it a shot.

    Nice video.



  1. The Impulsive Buy » REVIEW: Extra Dessert Delights Gum (Strawberry Shortcake, Mint Chocolate Chip and Key Lime Pie) - [...] Extra Dessert Delights Gum reviews: Candygurus Gum Alert – Mint Chocolate Chip and Key Lime Pie Grub Grade Foodette…

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