I’m eating Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. It’s salted caramel and it’s great. And it’s not candy.

Fini Party Mix. Hm.
First off, they’re not really party-rific. They are semi-sour with big grains of sugar on the outside, which I don’t love. They are fruit-looking and fruit-flavored, except one piece, which is like a Haribo lego thing. Generally pedestrian except for the watermelon, which was actually pretty tasty.
Too soft. That would be my first description if asked. I like gummies with more chew. Also, there were maybe 11 pieces in the bag. For 2 bucks? Too much money, not enough candy.

At the same time I’m kinda still eating these gummies from Spain that I bought in Singapore.
I can find these online from a few European purveyors. But why get them? Why not just get Haribo from your local shop? These are like Haribo’s annoying cousin: fun to talk about at Thanksgiving dinner but no one wants to hang out with them.