Gift Kosher Candy House

Getting something like this in the mail would be awesome

Reviewed by Jonny

April 22, 2021


How’d ya like to receive this as a gift?

It looks small, but this thing houses a lot of candy. (Houses candy…are you guys following my comedic connective tissue here?) And the thing about it is that everything inside is Kosher Pareve (which means it’s Kosher).

What IS Kosher? it’s a lifestyle of eating, generally practiced by Jewish people who also adhere to Kosher rules. And those rules are strict:

“Kosher does not allow the consumption of flesh, organs, eggs, and milk of forbidden animals (hare, camel, and pig), and there is no mixing of meat and dairy”

It’s serious stuff for those who follow it, so having readily accessible options out there fills a need. This candy house holds 7 fun varieties, let’s break ’em down.

These are Swiss Petite Fruits. No big deal, just my earliest childhood candy obsession. These are unlike any candy you’ve had: they’re chewy, fruity, somewhat tart, and the flavors are bangin’. I love these.

Sour chewy rainbow twists. Yes. yes yes yes!

This is English toffee. Usually a favorite of mine, I wish these had some salt in them to really set them off. Still tasty though.

I can’t decide if these are bubblegum or tutti fruity flavored, but they’re great. Large, very chewy, and really flavorful.

Chocolate covered coffee beans. What’s not to love? Fresh and good.

Strawberry gummies. Clearly the runt of the litter, these were my least favorite. Just…kinda soft and gummy and general. But hey, in a grouping of 7, having one mediocre candy in the bunch is a win. A big one.

I think it’s great to have places that service the needs of niche groups. Even better though is that this house is good as a gift to anyone- plus you get the benefit of reusing the house as a candy or snack holder after.

Gifts Kosher has WAY more sweet & savory gift options than this, so if a Kosher gift is something that you could use, click the affiliate link and check them out!

Zolli Candy


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