Haribo donuts package

haribo Donuts. Whaaa…no cinnamon twist?!

When donuts are gummies then breakfast just got a whole lot better.

Reviewed by Matty

November 23, 2021

Visit DylansCandyBar.com

Kinda feels like a miss to have a candy called “Donuts” and not have flavors like glazed, powdered, apple fritter, old fashioned or chocolate kruller.

Still, it’s Haribo. They make damned good gummies. And this specific variety is from Germany, the original home of Haribo, so you know they’re going to be highly eatable.

Maybe it was the fact these were sent to us months back from super fan Suzi, or maybe it’s because they were on my shelf ever since — either way, time really adds to the texture of Haribo Donuts gummies. These babies were significantly bigger than your average gummy bear, maybe twice as much, and they were super chewy, even with the marshmallow softer side. Not chewy like gum, but hard gummy where you have to work it awhile before it breaks down.

Flavors are what you expect from Haribo gummies: lemon, apple, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, and peach. Ok yes I guess these could also be jelly donuts? But let’s just all agree these get their name from the shape, not the recipes.

Haribo Donuts candy

The best thing about Haribo Donuts is the sheer amount you get in the package. I’ve noticed this too from other German version of candy we get: there is more in the package than what we get in America. This package was teeming with candy. Our U.S. Haribo packages are like 12-15 pieces and done.

But the biggest drawback of thee Haribo Donuts? I cannot find them anywhere!

eFrutti has gummy donuts. Haribo has loads of other types, but the Haribo Donuts themselves? No can do, magoo. Even on Amazon’s GERMAN site they don’t seem to exist.

So what’s the point of this review if you quite literally can’t get these?


There’s none point.

Zolli Candy


  1. Pat

    actually aviable in German stores ☺️

    • Matty

      Time to go to Germany !

  2. Super fan susie

    You shouldn’t have left them on your shelf for so long, Matty. These were available for a limited time only.. Glad you like them!

    • Matty

      whaaa ? sigh. Thanks for sending Susie. I will never forget those gummies. #ALWAYSREMEMBER


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