I’m gonna whittle this review down to an introductory 2 words:
Now let’s get to it.

We’ve all seen Haribo cola bottles, and I’m sure most of us have seen and tried the sour version. Both stellar classics. These though, are miniature versions (I think) of their excellent Orangina gummies.

However these are the same size and shape as Haribo’s Happy Cola.
The flavors are the same as Orangina: lemon, orange and grapefruit. And all three are absolutely excellent.

Surprisingly soft, the flavor just explodes, and lasts. Normally I prefer a tougher chew, but not this time, I love these. They’re bright, flavorful, and they really feel original, although I think they’re just mini Oranginas. No matter, Haribo’s gotta pump out new varieties, so I vastly prefer them rehashing a classic flavor profile rather than simply just doing new shapes.
These aren’t available in the states yet, but if you see them, buy them. It’s really just basic math.
Nice one, Haribo!