I’ve eaten these yearsssss ago. I remember thinking they were meh, so why try again? Because …life is an evolution, right? We live, we learn, we grow, we change? Maybe?
Since the older days when I first tried these, they’re now branded a bit differently, they’re called something a bit different, and for all I know, the recipe has changed (I now see the “Made with real fruit juice” text that won’t there before. So in short, I had no real idea what was going to happen, but I had the big box, kids, so ….it was either gonna be really good, or the same as before-meh.
Before I go on, I do have to say that using such a big box is kind of a bummer, when the candy inside doesn’t fill up a third of it. Example A:
Here’s a side shot for potentially better perspective:
There’s a lot of nothing in that box. Which isn’t to say that they don’t give you a good portion-they do. It’s just that old conundrum of packaging that bugs me. I’m sure that there’s a “theater box space” that they have to be a part of, but it’s silly. Make the box JUST fit this same exact amount of candy, and people think they’re getting a better deal, and you can fit more on shelves. Yes, it’s just me whining, but you guys get me, right?
To the candy, then.
Green Apple
Blue Raspberry
There’s a reason these flavors are the most popular, but honestly, would throwing orange or grape in there kill ya?
Bottom line though- just like my recent review of Mike & Ike Originals, I really like these. The great combination of chewy, soft, strong flavor, and excellent sour balance, is a winner. When I’m in a sour mood, which is almost always, I think I’d put these on par with Sour Skitts, at least as far as what one can get readily here in the states. Grab a bag-or a gigantor sized box like this-and check ’em out for yourself.
What’s up big (*& I love Mike night