Described as “Tiny Bits of Sweetness making everything THAT much better!” Libity Bits are small pieces of candy that can be eaten on their own, spread over ice cream, used in cooking, etc. I would describe them as toffee. And even better: toffee that’s tasty.

The two flavors I tried — Sesame and Johnny Cake — were both very good. Maybe even close to great. I honestly didn’t think I’d care so much about these. I mean, I like toffee but I’m used to it covered in chocolate, by default. Here, Libity Bits created a thin toffee, very crunchy, salty but not overly, with a deep caramel flavor, almost smoky. Like the inside of a Skor or Heath Bar, but more homemade tasting and no chocolate outside. They were fun to eat, and easy to eat a lot. And hell yes these would be fantastic on ice cream.

Just 5 ingredients in the Sesame version: cane sugar, butter, sesame seeds, brown rice syrup and kosher salt. Mostly organic. The Johnny Cake (which is a cornmeal pancake usually) version is vegan, also with mostly organic ingredients. So you have a small company goodness with big taste.
I have a feeling when my wife and kids get their hands on these things, they won’t last. I’d buy more. You can too, here.