Maynards Sours make me go all like “whoah” and “damn!”

I like to pretend it's just me and these things, alone on an island. With air conditioning.

Reviewed by Jonny


May 19, 2009


If I could take all the candy manufactured in the US and trade it with all the candy made in the UK, it’d be a no-brainer. I’d do it in a sec. Witness “Maynards Sours”:


Now, usually a non-descript bag of “sours” implies some whatever gummies that have some sour powder on them, but nothing inherently that interesting about the candies themselves. Not so with your pal Maynard, my friends.

Maynards Sours fall somewhere in the consistency world between soft yet chewy and really chewy. Their shapes are slightly larger than your garden variety gummies, and to be honest, I really have no idea what the shapes are. Seriously they’re random as hell and I don’t get it. But, the sizes are different enough that they feel new, fun, and kinda funky fresh in your mouth, so that’s good.

The flavors are pretty standard when it comes to UK “gums”- lemon, orange, lime, black currant and (I think) cherry. However, don’t get bummed by the uszhe flavors-they’re all done really, really well. You pop one in your mouth, and the first thing you’re hit with is the sour sugar coating. Good, but not that different or interesting. Here’s the thing though-after the powder wears off, all that’s left is the flavor of the gummy, which is a true, tangy fruit flavor, with built in sour power. Not too sour, but the actual gummy itself is sour, not just the coating.
That’s good times. And if you’re one of those people (I don’t relate personally, but wish I could) who can suck and suck and suck on a single piece of candy without giving in and gnarling it up with your teeth, then you’re really in for a treat.

And so I eat them, and eat them, and eat them. I can’t really stop eating them, so at a certain point I have to either commit to eating an entire bag, or throw the rest in the fridge for tomorrow. Im’ not saying they’re perfect- Matty doesn’t dig them. Go figure. And Scotty, our peripheral Elijah-like friend, doesn’t like them either.

But I do, and right now, it’s just you & me.

And I’m telling you that these things are a solid, unique, tangy sour love melange that I’ll happily endorse all day, any day. The rub of course is where to get them. I haven’t been able to find a good source on the internet as of yet, but here’s a hot tip for any of you who happen to live in the San Francisco area:

Roxie’s Market & Deli – 500 Kirkham St – San Francisco, CA 94101-(415) 731-0982

They have a pretty great selection of UK sweets, so give them a visit the next time you’re drinking beers in Golden Gate Park on a Sunday with 4 crying children. Or…whatever it is you do when you’re in the city.


Buy these here for the best price I’ve seen: BritSuperstore



Zolli Candy

1 Comment

  1. Matty

    Agreed – these rock out. And Roxie’s is good too. I remember when it was just a young, ghetto store and now it’s all grown up and shit.


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