Stuck at home — and really stuck here like most of the world with the shadow of COVID-19 all around — there is perhaps no better time to eat chocolate, peanut butter, pretzels and caramel.
In it’s quiet and understated packaging, we find these Bond Bites from Bond Bar. A small candy company run by a woman named Kimberly who came from a successful candy-making family, and who studied chocolate in Belgium. Which sounds like an excellent college class.

As the Bond Bar site says, these bites have 70% Dark Belgian chocolate, 54% Dark Belgian chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate. Lotta types…Sadly, not sure I could tell. The chocolate is layered throughout though. The caramel feels homemade. Add in the pretzel rods, peanut butter sauce, and salted peanuts. I wondered if I even really need to review these. WCGW?

A few challenges:
- Although each piece is unique and obviously made small batch by real people, they are also very different sizes. One glob — like that on the right, above — was huge, and not terribly breakable or shareable. It made me realize I like more conformity in my candy.
- Where I thought they would be crunchier, the peanut butter sauce-meets caramel made the pretzels more like the hardness you’d find in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby.
- Sweet. Man these are sweet. Too sweet. It says there are salted peanuts in here but I need more salt.
- I wanted a bit more bits from my $12 package.
Still, unless you are concerned about allergies (the candy is made in a facility that manufactures things with milk, eggs, tree nuts, wheat and soy), these are worth an eat.
You may have to find them in a local store like Lolli and Pops, like me. Because they aren’t on Amazon, and on QVC they are $45 for three packages. If you buy them on their site, you have to get a case at $180 a pop. Whoa.