If you don’t know about my obsession with Scandinavian candy by now, …well now ya know. In this humble candy addict’s opinion, it’s the best candy in the world, trailed VERY CLOSELY by Germany. All other regions can duke it out for thirds.
It used to be that getting the Scando candy was just impossible. Now though, there’s 2 excellent online sources for it: www.Ikandi.us, and www.sockerbit.com.
I placed an order a while back, and today we’re gonna take a quick look at Sockerbit’s gummy rabbits.

They bill these as chewy gummies, which they are in a way, but they’re closer to a super firm fruit jelly-at least the yellow citrus flavored ones are. The black pieces are, of course, licorice. Slightly salty, and imminently delicious licorice. The texture of the licorice is among my favorite that I’ve ever tried.
I have to admit, I didn’t know the flavor of the yellow ones at first, and couldn’t discern it. But that doesn’t really matter, they’re tasty. The black ones however….are stunning. Dare I say breathtaking?
They suggest trying the 2 flavors together, and so do I. It’s very unique and extremely tasty.
The cool thing about Sockerbit is that you can buy as little as 1/4 pound, or 35 pounds. But there’s no in-between, it’s one or the other.
I kid, buy however much you want.
Warning, their site is a rabbit hole (!!!!) of amazing sweets so be prepared to be there a while.
Grab them from the link below!
We should be getting a vig for all the traffic we drive to Sockerbit.