Sour Skulls from Candy People taking on the U.S.

Skulls looks scary, sure, but they taste great!

Reviewed by Matty

June 4, 2019


I’m not sure what it is about gummy skulls, but they all seem to be good. No matter who makes them and where we get them. Look at the 4 reviews we have thus far – no less than 3.5 stars, and that was for salty licorice. The ‘regular’ gummy skulls all got 4-5 stars.

That’s a lot to live up to for Candy People’s Sour Skulls.

Let’s start with the text on the back of the package:

“Every Saturday, Swedish children are allowed to eat as much candy as they want.”

Is that why they’re the 7th happiest country in the world? (By the way, the US is #19, and dropping, and I blame our moron of a president because I can.)

Back to candy.

Although Swedish candy company (now working its way deeper into the U.S.) Candy People is kindofa blah name, these folks make fine confections. We’ve reviewed others before, given top marks, and these Sour Skulls continue the reign.

The flavors are overt. The apple, for example, is apple strong like a Jolly Rancher, with Good floral overtones.

The chew will be perfect for most. Hard, but getting soft with a little work. And once worked in, it becomes a slightly tougher Swedish Fish, interestingly enough. I tend to like my gummies harder but I bet if I left these out – or fridged them for a few hours – they’d be perfect for me.

In terms of ingredients, these Sour Skulls are non-GMO, trans fat free, gluten free, and gelatin free (for the vegetarians out there). Note for those of you with allergies, the package says they are made in a factory with machines that have had nuts and wheat in them.

My only issue with these Sour Skulls is that the package came with out about 12 pieces. I wanted more.

And YOU should want more. Gummy lovers in the U.S — be on the lookout for the Candy People’s wares.

Zolli Candy


  1. mikeUK

    what about the SOUR LEVEL?!?!

    • Matty

      Good question. They are sourer than Sour Patch Kids which have a more tart sweetness to them. But they aren’t so sour they make you pucker too much. They are a solid 8 on the sour scale.


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