The best all around licorice? Pingvin Blue Jeans

Welp, I’ve found it. The best “normal” not too salty, not too intense, not too hard, definitely not too soft, perfectly delicious licorice. Here it is. Pingvin I get-that’s penguin, as per the penguin crossing guard on the top center of the bag. But blue jeans?  I’m trying to make sense of the name, but […]

Reviewed by Jonny

May 26, 2017


Welp, I’ve found it. The best “normal” not too salty, not too intense, not too hard, definitely not too soft, perfectly delicious licorice. Here it is.

Pingvin I get-that’s penguin, as per the penguin crossing guard on the top center of the bag. But blue jeans?  I’m trying to make sense of the name, but there’s nothing to grasp on to. The pieces are shaped like coins, and they sure as hell ain’t blue.

Licorice coins aren’t a new thing, in fact it’s a classic shape. And with good reason: it’s fun to suck on it then fold it in half with your teeth and tongue, and then eventually go hog wild on it. So while not new or unique, this version is doing it best.

Frequently mass produced licorice (I’m looking at you, Haribo) is bland. It’s not “bad”, but it stays very middle of the road, most likely in an effort to appeal to the widest group of people possible.  Sort of licorice-y, sort of ambiguous chewy thing, no one’s happy.  This is why people generally don’t like licorice.

Thats not our style here. If you’re gonna swim, jump in the damn pool head first without looking (if our kids are reading this, I’m kidding, please don’t do that). Commit to a flavor, to a concept-just commit to something and at least try to be the best at it.

Thats where these penguin pants really shine. Everything about the eating experience is wonderful, and they mix very nicely with other non-licorice candies as well.  They’re a serious contender for best easy-eating licorice of all time-no joke, folks.

While tough to find, they’re not impossible: they’re just pricey. For now, there’s an amazon link below, but we’ll try to keep the link current with the best available price.

Zolli Candy


  1. Simone

    I concur!

  2. Slugworth

    i believe the shape is supposed to be blue jeans buttons – the metal, riveted on, levi’s 501s type of buttons.
    I have to agree that after sampling most of the licorice brands in Europe, that Pingvin/Tom’s are the champs! Although, I am currently obsessed with this Haribo.Denmark mix “Matador Dark” (not to be confused with the much less good, plain ol’ Matador mix), which has a killer mixture of many textures, many flavors – salmiak, salty and sweet, hard and soft and chewy crispy and pillowy. If you can find it, give it a try.

    • Matty

      Will do!

  3. Susie

    Another option would be to fly to Denmark to get married and grab as many bags of gummies as you can carry… 😀

    • Jonny

      Wait-why would I have to get married? Don’t care though, I’d do it!!!

      • matty

        How many people am I allowed to get married to? That’s always been a sticking point.

        “Thats where these penguin pants really shine. ”
        Shakespeare couldn’t have written that sentence better.

      • Norm

        This has been touched on already, but did you get the imspserion that the rats were designed by a much less talented artist? This makes sense when you consider how Brad Bird took over the film from another director.I didn’t mind the dialogue so much as the acting. Was I the only one who couldn’t stand Remy’s voice?


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