Trolli Sour Brite Crawler Eggs: Strangely Tasty

After 6 days of literally ingesting nothing but lemon juice, syrup, water and cayenne, I'm back eating candy - and maybe a week off from candy curdles the brain but when I opened this Trolli package - I was yummed over.

Reviewed by Matty

May 15, 2010


Last week I warned you that it would be a terrible review because I wasn’t eating candy. Which is like staring at the box scores every morning thinking maybe, just maybe your favorite ball player hit a homerun yesterday – even though he’ s on the DL. Well this week, after 6 days of literally ingesting nothing but lemon juice, syrup, water and cayenne, I’m back eating candy baby!

Ok maybe a week off from candy curdles the brain a bit, but when I opened the package it was magical. And I ain’t Steve Jobs talking about an over-priced tablet device for the rich – I’m talking aromas of sugar and watermelon and sour and fruit goodness wafting out of a little plastic pouch, which made me think “thank you trolli. thank you so much for a new corn syrup-y concoction to wow my taste buds and push me to over-eat.”

Trolli Sour Brite Crawler Eggs are all different colors, a rainbow pallette of pastels. Upon first look, they seem like jelly beans but not such a perfect round shape. When I bit into one I assumed it would have the bean consistency and then melt in my mouth, but nay – it’s a jelly bean shell around a gummi; a small gummi worm is the suggestion from the package. When you start on these, you bite into the soft shell that then gives way to a small and hard gummi worm. And yes, it works. Following the theme: you’re biting into a soft egg shell and eating a worm fetus. I mean – if that doesn’t sound good then what does!

Wow these are good. Sour?..uh more like really tart. When you see them in a group picture you might assume there were a ton of different colors and flavors but I’m pretty sure there are only three.

And yes my knives need sharpening, but these things were hard to cut through. In a good way. In a good gummy tough way. Picture isn’t so great but you can see how the innards are solid gummi.

I can’t quite discern the flavors but the red/yellow is cherry something; the pink/blue is berry something; and the orange/green is citrus something. Whatever. It doesn’t matter. They’re good whatever they are.

More props for Trolli, the German company who us Gurus thought just plain sucked at gummi. I’d get these again. A lot. I got them at Walgreen’s and I’ll be repurchasing. Best price I could find in bulk is from Groovy Candies.


Zolli Candy


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  2. Alexis Goins

    THESE ARE AMAZING!!!!!! I know it’s probably not a good idea but I have at least one bag a week! I’m addicted!!!

    • mattycandy

      Good on you, Alexis! Eat up, kid.

  3. Alice

    I just got back from a school trip to San Antonio where we visited the Six Flags there. Me and my friends went into a candy store, bought a bag on whim, and fell in love. These little gummi’s are amazing and we are addicted. It’s not overly sour and the texture is just awesome. Those are just my thoughts though. ^^

    • Matty

      I can’t seem to find these anymore…I keep looking in the various drugstores but to no avail…

      • Ev

        I found them at a Chevron station for about 2 bucks a week ago, slightly too chewy for me though

  4. tj

    have these in my room right now



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